
Within next 1 hr, You could be Setup for

5 Premium Traffics + Monthly Recurring Income

Start your One-Page Earning Machine

You will get THIS PAGE with your Links Embedded

using This FREE Page

How much FREE Traffic Costs:

Chasing free traffic is honestly about the worst possible use of your time I can imagine.

Quality issues aside, free traffic usually ends up being more expensive than paid traffic!

Your time is precious, and as a business owner, almost anything is going to be a better use of your time.

If you're spending hours-on-end trying to generate free traffic, and you're not factoring in your time as a very real expense, then you're making a major mis-calculation.

Next time you're doing any of this, put a price of just $25/hour on your time and divide the number of ACTIONS your traffic surfing generated... optins or sales... and see just how much you actually pay for each one.

Most people will find they have to surf for an hour or more to get enough clicks to generate a single opt-in.

An actual sale might take 3-4 hours of this busy-work...

So that opt-in is costing $25 and the sale could cost you as much as a $100!

So together that's more than you'd pay for an entire year of traffic from any of the premium traffic services I'm about to share with you!

And spoiler alert... You can get these fully funded and in time, turn them into 5 standalone passive income streams.

If that sounds like a better plan, then stop all your busy-work for for 10 minutes and give me your full attention.


That's why I would rather pay for traffic and use that time to acutally grow my business.

How to benefit from Premium Traffic :

Premium Traffic !! !! This is super-simple on so many levels.

By the time you read through this page you'll see how with a few easy steps you can set up ongoing, hands-free traffic.

You can literally switch it on in the next few minutes and have high quality buyer traffic hitting your offers today.

And if you follow the strategy shown here, you could have it fully funded within a week or two...

And be earning a growing volume of recurring commissions after that.


So below you'll find 5 Premium Traffic Services.

Each delivers 100% hands-free traffic to your offer, 24/7, for as long as you remain a subscriber.

They aren't free but they aren't expensive either. All three are less than $10 a month.

Here's the kicker though...

Each of these programs will pay you 50% commission on all referrals, forever.

And the way we're going to set this up, you're almost guaranteed to get your first couple of referrals really fast... so before you know it, you'll have your very own fully-funded Automatic Traffic + Income System!


How can I be so confident?


Simple... we're going to set it up so the first place you send your premium traffic, is a page just like this, that will get you those initial referrals and start growing your recurring commission income.

Then as things take off, you can start to redirect more of that traffic to your other offers... and this Automatic Traffic System will continue to grow in the background. Totally hands-free and virtually unstoppable.


So if that sounds worth 1-2 hr of your time, Lets Compelete this in 4 Steps !!!

Step 1. Activate Your ROTATOR Traffic Services

Open each of the sites below and set up your accounts. If you don't have the funds for all three, just do it for as many you can do for now, add the others as quickly as possible.

To Embedd your own Affiliate links here: See STEP3 on this Page.

But there's a couple of steps you need to complete first to avoid going back-and-forth too much...

Step 2. Get your Affiliate Links

Next step is to login to WarriorPlus and request approval to promote these Traffic services. They offer 50% commissions each, recurring monthly, paid directly to you by WarriorPlus.

If you don't have an account you can create a FREE account now.


Then just login and look for the 'Affiliates' link in the top menu.

Click on that and look for 'Offers' in the drop down menu.

On that page, look for each of these Traffic Rotator programs listed.

Just click on the program name and the affiliate information page will open.

If you purchased already, then there'll be a button for you to GET LINK.

Click on that and the link will be revealed. Copy your AFFILIATE LINK to a safe place.


If you haven't purchased yet, the button will say 'Request Approval' instead.

Click on that and you can enter a message to the Vendor and request approval.


(How to get affiliate link: See Help Video)


Most Vendors use those messages as a way to filter out bot traffic... so no message from you will usually mean no approval from them!

Make sure you use the message to demonstrate that you are a legit affiliate marketer who plans to promote their product responsibly to a quality audience.

For SendBuyers Affiliate Link: Login to your SendBuyers accunt, Go to "Affiliate" tab or "Promote SendBuyers.com". Copy your complete Affiliate link..For your own record you may write "EasyBuilder" in place of "ReplaceMe" in the link.


While you wait for WarriorPLus approval, you can continue with this page set up...

Step 3. Enter your Affiliate Links in this Page!

This system works when you give your referrals an easy and effective way to duplicate what you've done. So please make a copy of this page...


If you've got a Blog/Website you can just copy-and-paste everything, Change all links to your WarriorPlus Affiliate Links obtained in Step 2 above, and edit this page contents to suit you.



Enter your Affiliate Links below & Use this page with your Links Embedded:

Enter your Complete Warriorplus & SendBuyers Affiliate links below & Update:

Eg. https://warriorplus.com/o2/a/ht2pjj/0 & https://sendbuyers.com/?aff=138&src=ReplaceMe

If you have not subscribed any traffic service, Leave it BLANK for now and Procceed.

Your Own EasyBuilder Main Page Link (This Page):

Step 4. Start Traffic & Your EasyBuilder is Launched!

The final step is to send your link to each of 5 traffic services for receiving Traffic.


a) If you are not using Email List Builder, send "EasyBuilder Main Page Link (From step 3)


b) If you are using Email List Builder, send Capture Page Link which Redirects to EasyBuilder Main Page Link (this page) after opt-in"...To do this, follow below 2 steps -


Start Free LeadsLeap Account Here


(Connect Email List & Redirect URL to your Capture page: See Help Video)


IMPORTANT SUGGESTION: Once submitted to Traffic Rotator Services, It may not be easy to change Submitted link quickly, so you should always submit a TRACKING LINK instead. This way, You can change the inner link from your end at any time while the link given to the Traffic Rotator Service remains same.


I use Leadsleap for Tracking links. They give up to 10 links to FREE members. (How to get Tracker Link from leadsleap: See Help Video )


The traffic will start coming from Traffic Rotators once your Tracking Link is added.


OK, that's It.


If you've done that, congratulations... you're in the very small minority of people there who will actually take action, do the work and get results they're looking for. WELL DONE

Your copy of this page is now receiving a steady flow of premium traffic from 5 quality providers.

Some of those visitors will be Members of one site who are keen to try the others... You'll earn commissions.

Some might be traffic surfers or email readers who are ready to try paid traffic... You'll earn commissions.

And some are going to copy everything that you've just done...

They'll create their own Automatic Traffic System...

They'll sign up for all three programs, will earn you both instant and ongoing commissions in all three!

And best of all, when their referrals start repeating the process as well, you'll know your referrals are onboard for life and your traffic machine becomes unstoppable!

Here's What's Happening ...

Contacts for further Help:

For TheClickEngine just email Jeff Aman at clickenginedesk@ gmail.com 'and' theclickenginedesk@ gmail.com (Duplicate your message and send it to both email addresses.

For TrafficBlasterPro just email from "Contact Us" in Members area or in case you can't login, email shawn & gabe at shawn@ reachyourgoals.one Facebook grp: Click Here

For EzClix just email Matt Brading at brad@ ezsitez.com

For TrafficCyclone contact support clicktrafficcyclone@ gmail.com